Mare Crisium mosaic, 10.0 days 76.2%  

Mosaic composed of 9 individual images of this huge moon area.
Mare Crisium (the "Sea of Crises") is a lunar mare located in the Moon's Crisium basin, just northeast of Mare Tranquillitatis. This basin is of the Pre-Imbrian period, 4.55 to 3.85 billion years ago. This mare is 555 km (345 mi) in diameter, and 176,000 km2 in area. It has a very flat floor, with a ring of wrinkled ridges toward its outer boundaries. Ghost craters, craters that have largely been buried under deposits of other material, are located to the south.

A soil sample from Mare Crisium was successfully brought to Earth on 22 August 1976 by the Soviet lunar mission Luna 24.

The crater has many notable features in and around it. The cape-like feature protruding into the southeast of the mare is Promontorium Agarum. On the western rim of the mare is the palimpsest Yerkes. The crater Picard is located just to the east of Yerkes, and northwest of Picard is the crater Peirce. Mare Anguis can be seen northeast of Mare Crisium. Mare Crisium is the site of the Luna 15 crash in 1969.

The Sentinel, the story from which Arthur C. Clarke developed the film 2001: A Space Odyssey with Stanley Kubrick, takes place on the Mare Crisium.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Mare Crisium (el "Mar de las Crisis") es un mar lunar situado en la cuenca Crisium, justo al noreste del Mare Tranquillitatis. Esta cuenca es del periodo pre-Imbrian, 4,55 a 3,85 mil millones de años. Este mar tiene un diámetro de 555 km y 176.000 km2 de superficie. Tiene un fondo muy plano, con un anillo de cordilleras escarpadas en sus fronteras exteriores. Se observan cráteres fantasmas, cráteres que han sido en gran parte enterrados bajo los depósitos de otro material, situados al sur.

Una muestra de suelo de Mare Crisium fue llevado con éxito a la Tierra el 22 de agosto de 1976 por la misión lunar soviética Luna 24.

El cráter tiene muchas características notables en su interior y alrededor de él. El accidente parecido a un cabo que sobresale al suroeste del mar es Promontorium Agarum. En el borde occidental del mar está el palimpsesto Yerkes. El cráter de Picard se encuentra justo al este de Yerkes, y al noroeste de Picard está el cráter de Peirce. Mare Anguis se puede ver al noreste de Mare Crisium.

Mare Crisium es el lugar donde se estrelló la sonda Luna 15 en 1969, el mismo día en que la nave Eagle se encontraba posada no muy lejos de allí, en el Mare Tranquilitatis.

"The Sentinel", la historia de la que Arthur C. Clarke desarrolló la película "2001: Una odisea del espacio" de Stanley Kubrick, se lleva a cabo en el Mare Crisium.

(Fuente: Wikipedia)

Type: Sea
Geological period: Nectarian (From -3.92 billions years to -3.85 billions years)
Dimension: 638.0x638.0Km / 375.0x345.0Mi
Formation with crater shape lengthened West East. Very flat floor with ring of wrinkle ridge to the
periphery and ghost craters to the South. Craterlets. 176 000 km2. 3.85 billion years old.
Interest : Exceptional formation
Observation period: 3 days after New Moon or 2 days after Full Moon
Minimal Instrument: 10x binoculars
Longitude: 59.0° East
Latitude: 17.0° North
Quadrant: North-East
Area: Moon East-North-East limb

Rukl map: 27 Plutarch
Viscardy page:  263
Hatfield map: 3c5 / 4c1
Westfall Atlas: 303C 309C 313C Q4E 099N 105N 112N 119N 124N
Charles Wood article: ST12/00 MM91 L100/010
Name Origine:
Detailed Name: Sea of Crises
Important Facts:  
Name Author: Riccioli (1651)
Name by Langrenus: Mare Caspium
Name by Hevelius: Palus Maseotis
Name by Riccioli: Mare Crisium

Technical details:  
Valdemorillo - Spain
09/03/2012 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Clestron 9.25 f/10
Vixen Tele-extender f/7.5 (x1.9)
Astronomik IR Pro 742nm
Orion Atlas EQG
DMK 21AU618
9 images, 2000 frames each, 30fps
Guiding tube:  
No guiding
Guiding camera:  
No guide camera
Guiding software:  
No guide software
Registax, Pixinsight  


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