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Caucasus Mons area, 7.2 days 47.6%  

Hi res IR mosaic composed of 6 images of Caucasus Mons area
Type: Mountain
Geological period: Imbrian (From -3.85 billions years to -3.2 billions years) ?
Dimension: 536.0x536.0Km / 315.0x61.0Mi
Height: 3650.0' / 11100.0ft
Height/Wide ratio: 0.007
Continuation of Apennins. Mountains intersected with deep and numerous valleys. Wears the crater Calippus. 
Interest : Exceptional formation
Observation period: 6 days after New Moon or 5 days after Full Moon
Minimal Instrument: 10x binoculars
Longitude: 9.0° East
Latitude: 39.0° North
Quadrant: North-East
Area: North of Mare Serenitatis region

Rukl map: 13 Eudoxus
Viscardy page:  353
Hatfield map: 1f8 / 2e2
Westfall Atlas: 351N 357N 161N 167N 174N
Charles Wood article: ST11/01 MM33
Lunar Orbiter:  IV-098-H1  IV-103-H1  IV-103-H2 IV-110-H2
Name Origine:
Detailed Name: Mounts of Caucase
Important Facts: 
Name Author: (??)
Name by Langrenus: Not named
Name by Hevelius: Not named
Name by Riccioli: Not named

The image shows two effects of Imbrium basin huge impact: 1) the hummocky or uneven texture (right half) caused in the crust by the impact shake, and 2) part of the breach or graben flooded by Imbrium lava at the beginning of the mountains Alps (upper-left). 

A little south of the crater Aristilus (down-left) in 1959 reached the surface the first lunar spacecraft (Luna 2). Also a little south of the Caucasus, in the Apennines, Apollo XV landed on the moon, near Mons Hadley.

La imagen muestra dos efectos del impacto que creó la cuenca Imbrium: 1) el hummocky o textura desigual (mitad derecha) causada en la corteza por la sacudida del impacto, y 2) parte de la brecha o graben rellenado posteriormente por lavas de Imbrium al comienzo de los montes Alpes (superior izquierda).

Un poco al sur del cráter Aristtilus (abajo a la izquierda) en 1959 alcanzó la superficie la primera sonda lunar (Luna 2). También un poco al sur de Caucasus, en los Apeninos, la nave Apolo XV se posó en la Luna, cerca de los montes Hadley.

Technical details:  
Valdemorillo - Spain
29/02/2012 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Very good
Clestron 9.25 f/10
No reducer
Astronomik IR Pro 742nm
Orion Atlas EQG
DMK 21AU618
6 images mosaic, 2000 frames each
Guiding tube:  
No guiding
Guiding camera:  
No guide camera
Guiding software:  
No guide software
Registax and PixInsight. GREYCstoration noise reduction and UnsharpMask.  
Tele-extender Vixen used (near 1.9x)  


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